A Guide on Returning to Work After a Career Break

Last updated 21 Dec 2023 . 1 min read

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Life often leads women on diverse journeys, including career breaks to prioritise personal responsibilities like raising a family. Returning to the workforce after a career break can be a unique challenge for women. Recognising this, MARS by SHEROES offers a specialised assessment - MARS Certification. This initiative validates your skills for remote work and opens doors to diverse opportunities through the MARS by SHEROES platform.



Here are some practical tips for a successful comeback:


  1. Reflect on Your Goals:

Reflect on your career goals during your break. Identify the skills acquired during this time and consider how they contribute to your chosen field. This self-reflection will provide clarity and boost your confidence.


  1. Update Your Skills:

Keep your skills up-to-date by enrolling in relevant courses and certifications. MARS Certification complements this by validating your remote work readiness, making you stand out in the job market.


  1. Network and Seek Mentorship:

Leverage the MARSbySHEROES community on the SHEROES platform for networking opportunities. Engage with professionals who have successfully restarted their careers through MARS Certification. Mentors within the community can provide valuable insights and guidance.


  1. Flexible Work Options:

MARS Certification is tailored to the demands of remote work. The certification emphasises your readiness for remote work. Explore part-time roles or flexible schedules, knowing that your certification demonstrates your capability for success.


With these practical tips, MARS Certification creates a holistic approach to enable women on their journey back to the workforce. Once certified, you become part of a dynamic talent pool of professional women. When a client requirement arises, MARS taps into this pool to match the right talent with the right opportunity. This unique approach ensures that certified professionals have a direct pathway to potential employers seeking their skills.


Become a MARS Certified Remote Professional now!


Real-Life Success Story: Sri Vidya's Journey with MARS by SHEROES


Embarking on her career in 2001 with GE after graduating with an MCA, Sri Vidya took a career break to focus on her family. In 2018, she discovered MARS and, got an opportunity to work with Paytm as a Customer Support executive. She found a job and a supportive community that understands the nuances of her journey towards financial independence. Sri Vidya's story is a testament to the potential of flexible work options offered by MARS.

Returning to work is not just about resuming a career; it's embracing a new chapter of personal and professional growth. At MARS by SHEROES, we're here to support and guide you on your journey to a successful comeback. Your pause is not an endpoint but a springboard to new opportunities. Join the MARS community on the SHEROES app and unlock the benefits of being a MARS Certified Remote Professional


Siddhi Raut
Siddhi is an avid storyteller and a full-time content writer. As a traveler, foodie, and photographer, she captures moments that tell beautiful stories.

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