Does 8 X 5 = happiness?
The headline may seem a bit quirky, but HAPPINESS quotient in the equation is sure to have drawn your attention.
I am sure only very few of you are going to contradict that all work and no play make Jill a dull girl. So, why is it that working women in India are mostly being made to slog 24X7? Is expecting ‘’fixed working hours in a five day work week’’ (8X5) too ambitious a wish?
Following points favouring the five day work culture in our country are worth mentioning:
Work-home balance
Women are continuously juggling between the home and office front. For them the work doesn’t really stop after office hours. In fact beyond office hours, there’s another world that demands their complete attention.
An interesting observation is that the peak time for professional spurt in women’s career also almost coincides with either their marriage or motherhood. But, just as an office conference room will not allow a fierce team leader to bring her toddler into the conference room while she delivers a presentation, the new mother in her should be given exclusive time off with her kid too.
The contrasting worlds of work and home come with a set of exclusive challenges and each requires committed and continuous efforts and most importantly TIME!
Work is only ‘part of life’
As we zoom into the bigger picture we realize that work (professional/office work) actually is only a part of our life. To lead a meaningful and fulfilling life, it is important to look beyond regular work life, to pursue interests and hobbies and most importantly ‘find TIME to connect with one’s own self’!
After a grueling week at work, weekends need not be spent in organizing domestic chores. How about granting women some TIME only to themselves...time, for a movie, for a book reading or for a mid-day siesta!
Leaning from the Masters
It’s always inspiring to know and learn from those who have been there, done that! France has been one of the forerunners in propagating and effectively applying the limited 35-hour work week (with additional working time to be considered overtime). This has been done to take advantage of improvements in productivity as well as to give employees some more personal TIME to enhance quality of life. Needless to say that the results of this practice have been more than encouraging!
With more and more women getting financially and emotionally stronger, it becomes very important to NOT IGNORE WHAT WORKS BEST FOR THEIR OVERALL BEING! So, before the boredom and fatigue sets in, it’s crucial to get these regular weekly breaks for replenishing their energy levels.
Here is wishing for more PRODUCTIVE and JOYOUS work hours by following 8X5 = Happiness mantra.
By Harshlata