5 Apps That Will Organise Your Life, And Cook You Dinner! Ok. Not Dinner

Last updated 13 Sep 2016 . 3 min read

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I am huge technology and social media fan for the ease and connectivity it offers. Work, home, vacation or health, technology rules, everything  is at your fingertip today. No stepping out or making phone calls for simple information that can reach you on chats and notifications on your smart phone. While there are endless apps that are launched everyday to make your life quick and easier, I want to share some simple ones that I use everyday. Yep, they are free too.  

Evernote  – I have been using Evernote when I started my personal blog. Multi-tasking work, home and my website, juggling content, tasks and lists, I needed something to keep my stuff sorted. Evernote made my life easier, and I organized all my content, in one place. Making notes, organizing and archiving notes, pictures or WebPages is very convenient with this app.  Note-taking, calendar to-dos and even project/content management is easier here.

Join.me: I am not a software expert and often get stuck. That’s when I connect with my spouse, friend or anyone who is most available at that time through Join.me, share my computer screen, even share access to my system, and get the issue resolved. I can also conduct online meetings, conferences with multiple users and even record sessions for future reference like for online studies or courses.

Paypal: I use paypal to receive payments for my freelance work, and for taking orders for the online fashion store that I co-own. The fact that it’s free to use, hassle-free and widely approved makes life easier. You can link you credit, debit and bank account with Paypal and get and make payments quick and safe. If you are a freelancer or a new business owner, this is definitely an app that you need.

GetNotify: Emails are an essential means of communication, and anticipating a response to an important email is often bugging. Like Whatsapps' double blue tickmarks, MailTracker is relaxing and assuring that your emails have been read.  You can use it for free and whether you demand a return receipt or not is optional. You can prepare and plan once you know that the receiver isn’t really interested. This is even more true when you are trying to gain clients for your new business.

Pocket:  The internet is a rich source of information, content and news but with limited time, it’s hard to read or view it all the same time. I use Pocket to save all my content for future reference. While you are browsing the internet for specific research or information, you come across many related articles, advertisements and news that is often interesting but distracting too. Pocket is an answer to this. Save links, articles and videos in your free account and access it at your convenience.

Your smartphone is the fastest and easiest access to apps and online stores and thus an important business tool. Make the best of it to keep youself organised and productive always.

What are the social or business apps that you use frequently?

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Meetu Khanduja
Meetu is an HR professional, writer/blogger by passion and a social media enthusiast. She loves exploring new places and making friends. When she isn't working, she loves reading fiction.

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