Sleep Your Way To Wellbeing

Last updated 29 Dec 2016 . 3 min read

There is a field on Facebook where you can choose ‘sleeping’ as an interest. I chose it with a bit of apprehension, wondering what people may think about it and hence, what they may think of me.

But contrary to common perception, sleep can improve your life in many ways. It can help you feel good about yourself, shore up your enthusiasm, raise your confidence and improve productivity at work.

Women are a sleep deprived a lot and although many derive satisfaction from sleeping late and rising early because they have so much to accomplish, ‘sleep’ is one area where they need to wake up and smell the coffee (ideally the coffee prepared by their husband)

In her book – The Sleep Revolution, Arianna Huffington extols the virtues of sleep. She says, “We are in the midst of a sleep deprivation crisis, and this has profound consequences – on our health, job performance, relationships and happiness. What is needed, she boldly asserts, is nothing short of a sleep revolution.  Only by renewing our relationship with sleep can we take back control of our lives.”

There have been reams written about the benefits of a power nap in the middle of the day. A colleague of mine has been doing this for years; he is a Senior Art Director. He puts his head down and naps for 15 minutes post lunch. After that he is fresh as a daisy (not an apt metaphor for a man, but let’s leave it at that) and raring to go. Needless to say, some of his best designs are seen post his power nap.

I have been an independent consultant myself and this is my 21st year of work. Barring a few years where I did the classic corporate grind, I have been working from home. I too take a power nap in the afternoon for half an hour. Post that I am raring to go and I can feel my creative juices flowing like there’s no tomorrow.

I love the idea of a well-deserved sleep when it’s due. It keeps me fresh, keeps my health and spirits in top shape. It adds a glow to my skin, a twinkle in my eye and a nice smile to my face.

When you are well rested, feel good, life indeed looks beautiful and works out well. I have been doing it for years. If you need to know how to fit in the power nap in your work day, write to me here


Sonali Karande Brahma
Sonali Karande Brahma is a Brand and Content Strategist, Creative Consultant and Writer with 20 years of experience in creating powerful stories for advertising, brand building and communication. She has worked in mainstream advertising for major MNC and Indian brands. She thrives on ideas and writes on diverse subjects like education, parenthood, business, the art of business writing and social media. She can be reached on

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