The SHEROES Profile

Published on 15 Apr 2014 . 4 min read

You might have worked hard on completing your SHEROES profile only to find you aren’t getting the desired responses. The reason could be – you are making one or more of the common mistakes. With the SHEROES profile, we want you to share your story - the tapestry of all you have done and highlight the best parts - of what has stayed with you - skills, experience, add your voice and personal place in the personal bio / summary. Employer wants to know who you are and what you aspire to, what you are good at - these are important questions for any employer. Here is how women at work can have an effective SHEROES profile -

1) Details – Your profile is like an advertisement for yourself and your skills. Consider yourself to be a product while creating the profile. The profile need not tell your entire story, just add what will help you get a job. Employers are looking to know your USP as a professional and what you are good at doing. Add your past projects and accomplishments as well-detailed and well written as possible.

2) Have a Clear Focus - This is absolutely essential. You cannot appeal to a target audience until you know who that audience is. You must determine the kind of opportunities  you are seeking and identify what is important to hiring managers filling those roles.

If you try to appeal to employers from very diverse sectors, you will simply wind up appealing to none of them.

3) Grammar and Typos - Lack of correct punctuation, grammar and spellings are a big no and put off the employers.  Shun the text language while completing your profile, you need to be thought of as a serious applicant.

4) Focusing on Responsibilities Instead of Results - Don’t provide a list of responsibilities without showing what results you achieved. Most employers already know what the main responsibilities of your job were. They want to know what makes you different from all the other applicants.

An effective profile summarizes job responsibilities in a few sentences and then provides details of quantifiable achievements.

5) Proper Picture – Make sure the profile has a proper picture of you, use a picture that is professional and latest.  

6) Be Specific – You must place your achievements in context by providing specifics. For example, don’t say something vague like “contributed to product design.” This tells the employer nothing about your actual contribution. Instead be specific about what you did.

Specifics make a huge difference, details of specifics help the employer to know what you are capable of and  how you can contribute.

7) Updated – Regularly update your profile, skills and new projects. An updated profile will enable the employer to know you better. 

Here are a few quick tips to have an outstanding SHEROES profile  

1) Use the personal bio to give your professional snapshot of yourself as precisely as possible. Here is an example –

“I am a digital media professional with knowledge in SEO, SEM, analytics and content management. I am looking to work in an online marketing firm.”

2) Populate your skills, add everything you have ever done and can do professionally. Include whatever you think will be useful it could be photography, baking, coding.

3) Summarize your career journey and your key strengths in summary section.

4) Add your area of interest along with any info you want to share.

5) In the jobs section list all your jobs include projects and internships. Do not leave out anything  that you done in the past.

6) List all degrees in education.

7) Add your hobbies, interests and whatever you have keen interest in the interest section.

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SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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