Tell your #TakeCharge Story, Win a FabBag
Vineeta Singh, co-founder - FAB BAG always wanted to be an entrepreneur, she thought that taking up an investment banking job would be a bigger risk to that dream than starting up. She took charge, more here.
Have you navigated your way out of difficult times and come out with greater strength? Do you also have a #TakeCharge story to tell? It could be anything from choosing to making hard career descisions.Tell us your stories, inspire the community. Blog about times when you took charge of your life and career. 3 top stories get this month’s Fabbags – a bag full of surprises. You just need to make sure –
1) You are signed up on SHEROES Blogger Network
2) The story is shared as an update on the network or mail us at care at sheroes dot in.
The winners will be announced on the basis of stories with maximum shares and on judge’s discretion. Last date to submit – 15th June, 2015