#TakeCharge: Taking Charge and How it Begins
At SHEROES, we firmly believe that every woman is full of infinite possibilities. We believe that there is nothing that a woman can’t achieve, once she channelizes her energies towards a purpose. And when she does that, she takes charge. She takes charge of her journey, and ensures that she reaches her destination. But when we say “taking charge”, what do we really mean? And how does it begin?
Taking charge means to be responsible
Not just the “I am a very responsible wife, mother and daughter” kind of responsibility. More than being responsible for anyone else, it means being responsible for yourself. This is the first step towards being truly independent. Take care of your own health, your emotional and physical needs, keep in sync with your feelings and in constant touch about what you want to do with your career, or your life. Do you think anybody else would be able to fulfill this responsibility half as efficiently as you? To take charge of yourself means to be responsible for yourself. When you understand that you owe yourself this responsibility, you will see how hard it is for you to let yourself down. Because that’s when you realize that you owe this to no one else but you!
Taking charge begins with acceptance
You begin to take charge of yourself, only when you accept the responsibility you owe yourself. Therefore, the first and foremost step towards taking charge, is acceptance. It is not uncommon to face some hesitation in accepting what being responsible for yourself really means. Over centuries, women have been socially conditioned to put themselves last. Women who value “compromise” for the sake of others, have, for the longest time been marveled at. But guess what? You can be a stronger, better, more inspiring version of yourself when you start asserting yourself. You can become a truly luminous version of yourself when you accept that you are not about compromises, but about living your life the way you want to, doing and achieving what you want to, every single day. Begin by start paying attention to every detail of your life and how you would like it to be. If it isn’t already what you want it to be like, you know the reason and you know what to change. And that is the point where you stand up and take charge.
Taking charge does not happen overnight. And it definitely does not happen through any one incident or action. Taking charge is a continuous process of unlearning and learning, of looking deep within yourself and starting off on a journey of self-discovery. It is all about patience, grit and the most important bit – gratitude. How about taking the first step today? Just by deciding to #TakeCharge!
What is your #TakeCharge story? At SHEROES we are all about growing by learning and sharing through phenomenal women like you. Tell us your story and we’ll share it!