Sing ‘Business Lullabies’ with Terjani Khanna Goyal – Story 4 on Work Maternal Leaves
Say hello to the 4th mommy from Jaipur – Terjani Khanna Goyal – whose son Mannan is going to participate in the campaign ‘Business Lullabies’. As you know, this campaign advocates working mothers who return to work after maternal leaves and face stereotypes.Before we started the session, Terjani treated us with hot coffee.
Let us learn from Terjani, a Marketing Professor and an Academic Coordinator at FMS IRM, what she underwent during Mannan’s birth and how she balanced everything.
I was a banker until my son was born. After him, I took a break from working and explored myself as a mother. This break continued for a year and a half after which I decided to get back to work. However, I was clear about changing my work field. I knew I needed a job where I didn’t have to compromise with my motherhood.
The Big-switch
It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. After a 2 yrs long break, I was set to relaunch myself in the teaching field.
I remember preparing myself both mentally and academically to put my 1st step forward. Educationally, I studied a lot for my subject to understand every possible marketing term and tactic.
I relied on old and new books, magazines, journals along with few websites. To keep active, I held education and cookery tutorials at my place for kids and women respectively.
To prepare myself emotionally, I asked myself few questions: what do I want to change in my life, where do I see myself in next 25 years, etc.
Everything was fine but there was just one problem – self-doubt.
After a 2 year long break and strong preparation, I was doubtful what if I wouldn’t be able to manage my time. I, in no way, wanted to sacrifice the time with my family. I have had enough of all that in the previous job.
The period was challenging, demanding and the difficult phase of my life.
Husband’s Support
My husband and I are best friends. When I shared my decision with him, he sensed the concern hidden in it. What he said next changed my perception towards myself. He told me: “I trust the woman in you & your little son trusts the mother in you. So don’t even doubt the educationist in you.”
New Workplace
Oh, it is an amazing place to work at. The co-workers, the management, the students are all so wonderful. Wonderful not only because we get along so well, but because they have accepted me the way I am.
With no stereotypes to face, I could explore myself and learn a lot of things being a professor. I realized the deadlock was within me.
About ‘Business Lullabies’
After all these years, I have been able to grab a valuable lesson. As a career oriented woman, if you can’t handle work and home simultaneously, there is something seriously wrong with your thought process.