#Mumswithoutbabysitters: Sheeba Rajam Shares Her Story
Baby Sitters? Oh yes, that would be my husband and me! We are a working couple, who prefer to go out for our jobs. But living in a city like Bangalore, the long commutes can pretty much take all the enthusiasm out of anyone. This meant we had to find our own solutions. So, I chose to work at a location close to our residence, and my husband works during non-peak hours. While we do have the choice of working from home, both of us generally prefer going to the office, as it help us give a 100% without losing focus on the job at hand.
On regular days, we manage the entire show by splitting the chores at home, because we don’t have a maid. I have realised that it takes me exactly two hours to finish all my kitchen work. One of the things I also focused on, as early as when the kids were one, was to make sure that the kids were independent. So I don’t have to run behind them for them to drink their milk, eat their food or put their uniforms on. This helps me save a lot of time. But there are days when both of us face a situation where our meetings clash and the kids have a holiday. This is when our work-life-balance comes into play.
I am fortunate to work in an organisation which helps me with my work schedules, and lets me bring my kids to work when I have no options left. It can be distracting to have kids around the office, so I plan a schedule for them. This can include homework, some books, crayons and some board games. But they can still get bored, and they do need to be taken to the toilet. My colleagues have played a big role in helping me out and keeping my kids company. Some of my brilliant colleagues help them with Math homework. The ones who are still boys at heart play games with my kids, and some others teach them how to use the computer!
Our weekends are pretty busy too. My husband and I have our own hobby classes, which help us focus on our individual capabilities besides being parents. Here also, we plan our schedule in such a way that one of us is always at home with the kids. Engaging in hobbies not only helps us de-stress, it also helps us to spend individual, quality time with the kids.
With each passing year, we assume that as kids grow up, we will have more time on our hands, but it doesn't work that way. I guess, once a parent, you are always a parent. Not that I am complaining. It does come with its own set of challenges. But it also helps us become better parents, even without a babysitter!
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