Meet the SHEROES - Priya Dar

Published on 4 Jun 2015 . 2 min read

Priya Dar manages IT application at Godfrey Phillips, she tells SHEROES about her work, challenges the sector faces and more –  

Q1. What is your area of work at the Modi Group?

I manage all IT applications for Godfrey Phillips.

Q2. How did the inspiration for this career come about? What did you find interesting?

I started working in computers in 1990's which is when computers in INDIA was very new. Everyone was talking about technology and how it is going to change the world (which it actually has). More than what I wanted to do, what was possible was what drove me to this field. Every day is a new challenge …

Q3. What are the top 3 challenges you face in this field?

In non-service industry like ours, IT is still seen as a back office and so not involved in projects from the get go. We have to keep iterating that IT has the potential to make or break a project. And when we are involved people have a certain perception about us. We are thought of as miracle worked

Q4. What do you feel lack in working women today?

There are extremes of women today - one set who think they can do everything and so need no help and the other who think they should get what they deserve without a lot of effort. Both of the cases I feel should be moderated.

Q5. How do you manage your work / life pressures?

I thankfully have a very helpful partner in life. We are a team first and for most and handle things as a team. There is no division of duties which says only I have to pick up the report cards of kids or only he can get the cars serviced. We share work and chores so both have time to spend with family

Q6. Any words of advice for fellow SHEROES?

Delegate the small things and work toward the big picture. Dream and believe.

Priya Dar
Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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