My Pune SHEROES, One More Sweet Meet In Pune, Coming Up!
August made me impatient and a tad grumpy, because I couldn’t meet all of you at the Meet, because we simply did not have a Meet in Pune in August. These Meets give me a sort of high, a nice heady feeling that is there with me before, and stays with me, after. Before, thanks to the preparations I have to do to make these Meets a happy occasion for you; and after, because after having met all of you, I feel the euphoria one feels after meeting kith and kin who share a rare warmth, empathy, love and purpose.
So why didn’t we have the Meet in August? Because we had 3 Summits in August across the country and because we were all preparing day and night for the same. Now the Summit frenzy is over and I am back to my glad, happy pre-Meet self.
All preparations are in place and I look forward eagerly to welcome you all. This time we meet at NCL Innovation Park, where we had our June Meet and have a wonderful Speaker, Asmita Javdekar, Founder and CEO of Aatman, an eCommerce platform promoting Indian jewellery, shipping to more than 80 countries. She is also into promoting Indian art, aesthetics and sensibility through stories. She is a master storyteller with a highly contagious happiness quotient.
The last Meet in July was at the Tavisca office in Vimannagar. It was a wonderful Meet, where our SHEROES went back highly inspired, smiling and ready to #takecharge.
So here we are, in September, after bidding adieu to Ganpati Bappa, ready with His blessings for a wonderful life and career.
If you have not yet registered for our September Meet, do it here .
Share this with your friends who might be interested and who might wish to attend.
It’s just a day of waiting. See you soon!