Meet the SHEROES - Dr Bhavi Mody
Dr Bhavi Mody is currently the Director of Edupsyche Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. The company intends creating platforms and service deliveries for Mental Health industry across the country. The company has initiated E-Learning program for Mental Health professionals and created Edukonnect, a school mobile application which is the smartest way for schools to connect with parents. Dr Bhavi has nominated Edukonnect for Women Take Charge - Business Plan For Women.
Tell us more about yourself.
I am a passionate Medical Practitioner with a desire to reach out and achieve. Over the years realized the need to educate and evolve self. Did my graduation and post graduation after marriage and with kids. Believe that education is way to evolving self getting better and providing the best to my clients and patients.
As a doctor what made you start up Edupschye Educational services?
After years of experience in working together me and my husband a child and adolescent psychiatrist realised the need to create solutions to address both the classes and masses for Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, Intervention and Rehabilitation
Edupsyche thus was an offshoot of this thought, belief and conviction. Not only did we see a need but an opportunity to build and grow this company.
We have started creating platforms for effective communication and service deliveries for Educational and Mental Health industry across the country by providing IT enabled services and solutions.
As partners of Pearson we are already conducting training workshops for mental health professionals both online and offline. We also run modules created by our team.
What is Edukonnect?
Edukonnect is the result of years of experience of having worked with schools. This solution provides creative means to bridge the communication gap between the schools and parents.
Schools often lack initiates for effective PR, while research reveals that effective PR leads to better child performance and better chances for higher education we though of creating a product that would do just that Edukonnect
Schools can now offer cutting edge technology with zero investment. No Need to have an IT team, yet keep parents updated all the time.Edukonnect is a program beyond any other available in the market. Delivered over the net, parents receive information over a mobile application. Extremely user friendly and customisable, Edukonnect is a complete one stop solution for all schools.
What is work life balance to you?
Being a mother a wife and a professional often gets difficult. But I believe in high thinking simple living. My priority has always been family, I have been a mentor to my kids believe in doing and setting an example rather than by ostentation.
Work life balance to me is simply prioritizing the needs working on the important but not so urgent mode. This helps me work effectively, efficiently and effortlessly. To put it simply Plan and Execute, do what you need to do now, don’t postpone it to tomorrow.
A message to SHEROES out there.
My dear fellow entrepreneurs our country is witnessing a revolution, Be the change you want to see in others.
Believe in yourself, move on, be Patient Persistent and Perseverant in what you do. We will together come out as HEROES no rather say SHEROES.