I Was Running Out Of Gifting Ideas, So I Created A Business Of My Own
Gifts are a simple gesture to show that someone cares and loves you. Children are always looking forward to useful, innovative and likable gifts. When my daughter was of a young age, I always faced the challenge of presenting something different, as return gifts for her friends during parties, every year. I’m a pregnancy-yoga teacher in Mumbai and soon, I got busy with my work life. My daughter grew out of the ‘gifting’ phase as well.
But a few years back, my sister delivered her child and we were back to square one about gifting. As someone who appreciates gifts, I decided to do something about this whole challenge.
That’s how my venture ‘Dee Regalo’ was born, which means ‘The Gift’ in Spanish. I offer a wide range of personalised and non-personalised products that suit everyone's requirements.
Personalised towels by DeeRegalo
With no prior exposure in product designing or investments, it was a lonely and difficult road to tread. But I had decided to start walking on this path with a strong belief of creating a gifting world, which would be a one-stop-shop online for personalised gift items for children. I’m grateful to my staff members for months of initial support, for conceptualizing and executing the ideas to enter the market.
Personalised caps by DeeRegalo
We are now proud to offer more than 150 products that can be personalised and the number is still growing.
Hard work and struggle are a part and parcel of entrepreneurship. As a woman entrepreneur, the personal challenge for me is meeting individual needs. I interact daily with people who come up with various budgets for gifts to be distributed in their child’s parties and seeking ideas out-of-the-box. It’s also a creative challenge and that's how I could think of a variety of options that clients can choose from and surprise their guests with.
Folders by DeeRegalo
Key Learnings As An Entrepreneur
1. Never give up on your dream. Whatever happens, don't lose hope to walk the road of entrepreneurship.
2. Accept the challenges and believe in your strength. It's important to believe in yourself first, before others start believing in you.
3. Don't let the failures kill you. They exist to make you stronger.
4. Celebrate life as it comes to you. Live it without regrets and be the master of your own existence.
As an independent businesswoman, I am establishing the product range and have also partnered with small-scale resellers to reach our target audience. Now my aim is to spread wings internationally.
When it comes to a work-life balance, I am always thankful to my husband, Sandeep, for being there through thick and thin and offering help whenever needed. He has been my mentor and advisor.
This is a personal narrative by Darshana Lagoo, owner of Dee Regalo, an online gift shop that sells personalised products for children.
What are your thoughts about her business idea? Do let us know in the comments below.