I Choose To See Beyond My Divorce...I Choose To Live!
When things fall apart, we have a choice to make ~ Kino MacGregor
“I was devastated, my husband had forced me out of his house… My three months old daughter was with me, I had no job… no where to go!” Payal, once a young lively 24 year old now struggles to conquer her assets with her in-laws. She continues to live swearing by her daughter.
We understand the scar a divorce leaves behind, but, we also know that your life is worth much more. The biggest conflict occurs upon dividing the finances and assets. Here is a definitive guide to reach a mutual consensus:
List The Common Assets To be Spilt: When married you would have a lot of these shared between the both of you. Now is the time to put forth and list everything that needs to be divided. House, Car, Jewellery each item is accounted.
Discuss Finances: Discussing finances will give you a sense of worth. You will know how much you have now, how much you invested in the marriage and how much to levy for the future. It will provide you with concrete data to take the settlement forward.
Child Care: A child is most dear to both the parents. Mostly children are more inclined to their mothers and hence, the case rests with the mother. This is where the case takes a complicated turn. The best is to keep your personal issues aside and think in the interest of the children. Parents should divide responsibilities and take care of the child’s needs.
Documentation: You are separating because the trust has been broken. Don’t let yourself be a victim of the blind faith again. Make sure your attorney documents every significant detail of the divorce proceedings. Anything from the first meeting can come up as a strong validation point in your next.
Life Ahead
Be sane and don’t let your emotions take control of your life. Plan your future. Make efforts to secure yourself financially and emotionally.