How Priya Emerged Victorious in Her Career Restart, Defying the Decade-Long Hiatus

Last updated 4 Apr 2024 . 1 min read

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Entering the world of motherhood, Priya Mathur, a mom of two, felt a strong desire to use her skills and find her professional self again. The usual routine didn't feel as fulfilling, pushing Priya to want to rediscover who she was. She sets out to bring back the spark in her career, inspiring others along the way.

Yearning to Re-enter the Workforce

Armed with an MBA in Marketing and HR, Priya had spent three fulfilling years in customer service and as a relationship officer in the real estate sector before quitting her job and moving from Delhi to Banglore after her marriage. "Moving to Bangalore, a new city for me, brought its share of loneliness. But with time, I found my way and embraced the challenges," she recalls. Priya soon found solace in the joys of motherhood, immersing herself in the precious moments with her child. Before she knew it, time had flown by. However, with the arrival of her second child and after a decade dedicated to her family, Priya realised the importance of reigniting her career. She realised something was missing in her life and then began the journey of rebuilding where she had left off.


Balancing Work and Family

Supported by her in-laws and husband, she set on a journey to take charge of her career. During this pivotal phase, Priya stumbled upon MARSbySHEROES while exploring career restart opportunities for women. The option of working remotely with MARS was a lifeline for Priya, allowing her to stay close to her newborn baby while taking those first steps back into the workforce. After 10 years of being out of the workforce, she restarted her career as a MARS partner in August 2017, bravely navigating the delicate balance of work and family with a 6-month-old baby in tow. Starting as a Customer Service Representative with MARS, Priya managed the demanding 3 pm to 12 am shift, ensuring she could be present for her child during the crucial early years. 

"Having my in-laws' support during those early days was an absolute blessing," Priya expressed, her voice filled with gratitude. "Knowing my children were loved and cared for while I started rebuilding my career allowed me to focus on my work with a clear mind and a full heart. Their support truly played a crucial role in making my journey possible." As her children grew, Priya found herself in a more favourable position to focus on her career, transitioning to a 10 am to 7 pm shift and embarking on her quest for financial independence. 

Witnessing Growth: Celebrating Success 

Priya's journey with MARSbySHEROES opened doors to remarkable opportunities, beginning with her first deployment with Paytm, followed by projects with Unilogders and Leverage Edu. Her dedication and hard work did not go unnoticed, and within two years, Priya earned a well-deserved promotion to Team Leader in the Leverage Edu process. The flexibility offered by MARS's shifts played a pivotal role in Priya's ability to excel in her career while effectively managing her familial responsibilities. Her journey inspires others like her, demonstrating the power of resilience, support systems, and flexible work opportunities.

"This journey has been about more than just work," Priya concluded, her voice brimming with emotion. "It's been about rediscovering my confidence, fostering financial independence, and setting an inspiring example for my children. I'm incredibly grateful to MARS for providing me with the opportunity to rewrite my career story."

Ready to follow Priya's path and carve your own success story? Start your MARS Certification today and discover a world of remote work opportunities tailored for women like you! Embrace flexibility, ignite your potential, and rewrite your definition of fulfilment.


Siddhi Raut
Siddhi is an avid storyteller and a full-time content writer. As a traveler, foodie, and photographer, she captures moments that tell beautiful stories.

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