#HealthRoundUp: Things You Need To Know To Ensure A Healthy Week
I am a proud southy. I love my idlis and sambhar, piping hot and the lip-smacking coconut chutney is a must. Down in South every dish is made in the magical coconut oil. We even lather it all over our body, face and hair. Take that America!
Although it has high saturated fat content, but nutritionist now swear by its weight loss properties. The coconut oil taken in proper quantities is known to cure chronic digestive problems. The long, luscious locks of Dravidian beauties is thanks to this wonder oil.
Coconut is notorious for being an unhealthy source of fats. But that couldn’t be further from truth. Check out whether coconut is the key to weight loss?
At present, coconut is hailed as a wonder moisturising agent in the beauty world. The west is swearing by it. So what is stopping you? Keep aside that super expensive lotion and bring out your ‘nariyal tel ka dubba.’
Taking out time for your body, even for a few minutes is beneficial for your health. Workouts keep your body well oiled. It is said that when you workout a hormone called endorphin and dopamine are released which causes a sense of exhilaration and happiness. Now you know why you feel so rejuvenated and happy after a good session of sweating it out.
I get it, the timings go haywire and with office work dangling over your head, it becomes tiring to squeeze in an exercise routine. If that is the case, then you must take out time for your body. Why not try these sets of 3 workouts that burn more calories than a 3-km run.
After all something is better than nothing!
Let’s talk about a healthy breakfast too. Aah, how your eyes sparkled! If you break down the word, it literally means breaking fast. After your last night’s dinner, which was your last meal, breakfast is crucial. It is the first meal of your day, it also sets the tone for the day. Agreed and undebatable, that it has to be healthy. But hey, who said tasteless.
Prep these make-ahead breakfast bowls for easier, tastier and healthier mornings. Save time on a busy office day. Added bonus is you can pack a punch in these quick breakfast recipes.
After talking about breakfast, I feel I would let down its counterparts. An age old advice is to never skip meals. And, it’s not a hollow advice. Starving yourself will eventually deprive you of the nutrition and that is no way to lose weight.
Dieting is never fruitful. Take it from someone who has tried it. Eating in small portions and in small intervals rather works. Also, since I am a huge foodie and cannot even stay away from the simple, home-cooked ‘dal-chawal-subzi’ for long. Earlier I thought it’s a sad reality I’m stuck with. But, as I accepted the fact and started eating without any self-loathing, I slowly understood my appetite. And guess what, I eat more freely and sensibly.
So, try these 5 food tips to attain food balance in your life. Eat healthy, eat good.
There are crazy forms of diets out there. Ever gave a thought to the crazy body transformation of Logan aka Hugh Jackman in Wolverine. Well, the famous Wolverine diet is responsible for his stunning makeover. A word of caution: This was meant for a character in a movie.
The Wolverine Diet that Hugh Jackman is on utilizes the concept of intermittent fasting.The technique involves fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8 hour period. Also these forms of diet are taken under the supervision of trainers, nutritionists and doctors.
Well, Apple has even gone a step ahead and launched an app named Zero, a fasting tracker. American internet entrepreneur, Kevin Rose also talks about this double-edged sword concept of fasting and his reason behind creating this app.
Decide for yourself whether intermittent fasting is here to stay or not. Moreover if it’s feasible and more importantly healthy.