Going Viral: Wonder Woman = Wisdom Energy Confidence = SHEROES!

Published on 27 Jul 2016 . 3 min read

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"When you need to stop an asteroid, you get Superman. When you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman. But when you need to end a war, you get Wonder Woman.” - Gail Simone

Gail Simone sure knows what she is talking about. The 41-year-old is the wordsmith behind DC’s Wonder Woman comics. It takes a badass to stop a war for sure. From paper to celluloid, Wonder Woman has come a long way.

Israel-born actor Gal Gadot, who plays the sword wielding lasso could not have asked for a better super SHEROES avatar. All fire and brimstone, the Wonder Woman movie trailer has set the internet on fire with over 17,000,000 views and counting!

In the words of voice over artist and viewer Demetria Bridges who wrote this on facebook: “With all the objectivity Of women on the screen, I was really nervous IF they could do justice to the telling of Wonder Woman's story without making her look and act like she belongs on a pole. But Gal is PERFECT! She gives dignity and respect to the role. Whew!! Looks like someone in Hollywood has a brain!”

The brains were powered by Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Entertainment and the action adventure also stars Chris Pine, Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright, and surreally weaves superheroics with action placed against the backdrop of an earthly World War. While the movie hits the theaters only in June 2017 the spark has been lit and cyber-space is abuzz with love for the film and the lead actor Gal Gadot. Viewers are ecstatic with the celebration of woman power, in the film.

He: “I can’t let you to this.”

Wonder Woman: “What I do, is not upto you.”

Patricia Lea "Patty" Jenkins, the 45-year-old director screenwriter, who already has under her belt celluloid landmarks such as Monster,  seems to have helmed a runaway box office success this time too.

The trailer was released at a venue befitting  Wonder Woman, who rose from the pages of a comic book, and is well on her way to make celluloid history, the San Diego Comic-Con. The armour-clad Amazonian warrior Diana Prince, is on an epic journey of self discovery, all the while slaying a war that threatens to swallow the world. Fantasy, meets action, meets romance, meets storytelling. Phew! All in a day’s work for Wonder Woman.

Closer home, we celebrate real life SHEROES everyday. The LLYOD SHEROES Summit 2016 is just days away. The Theme: Work Life Bank Balance. Reimagining The Blueprint. The three-city summit launches in Delhi on August 10, and you are invited. Register here: Join the movement that is changing the future of work.

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Karuna John
Woman. Pan Indian. Alive. Aware. Arisen. Learns one new thing every day. Fixes bigots. Journalist. Word Curator. Storyteller. http://www.sheroes.in

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