Cheat Sheet For Impulsive Shoppers To Spend Money Wisely Plus Rock A Killer Wardrobe
Have you watched “Confessions Of A Shopaholic?” It’s a classic case of impulsive shopping gone horribly wrong. Sifting through latest fashionable ensembles, tempts you to hang that attire in your wardrobe.
Trust me, I can relate with this. Bought that jumpsuit only to realise It doesn’t fall properly on my curves. A gorgeous pencil skirt, but don’t have a top to compliment it. Color coordination is where we fall behind and end up discarding most of our amazing collection of clothes.
What quality do you think, people with killer dressing sense have. They are experimental and mix and match lot of their clothes. I splurged on getting meself a beautiful pair of gold-bling pumps, GEE! They look terrific, and are super uncomfortable. Yes miss, a branded one that too. Wearing them regularly is out of question. Of course, the idea to buy a blingy pair of heels is to wear them in festivals. Although I still feel it was an impulsive purchase from my side.
But yes I am not like some of my girlfriends, who spend half their salary on shopping every month after the big salary day. These clothes never see the light of the day and are discarded or either replaced with better and fashionable clothes. Are you one of them? And if you are somewhere secretly nodding your head in your mind, do take these tips. You must check out how to buy clothes you'll actually wear. Simple checks will help you spending your hard earned money wisely and adding attires you would actually wear and not just hang in your wardrobe.