Can One Woman’s Life Skills Benefit The Other?
One, just one twitter chat with Deepak Ramola is what it took to know about a young man, who’s an embodiment of the #TakeCharge spirit. Just of 24 years, Deepak collects life lessons from people all over the world and turns them into interactive and performance activities, to pass on the learnings.
Sounds abstract, right? Well, the work he has been doing has shown some concrete results.
Founder & Artistic Director at Project FUEL, is a man on a mission to make every life lesson accessible and applicable to each person on this planet.
A life skills educator, yeah that’s a thing, and my lack of its understanding explains why we need it.
Deepak calls himself an eternal optimist and he sure is. In this twitter chat, we talk with him, how women can get #MoreFromLife. The chat was not only fun and interactive, but insightful too. Here we have a compilation of some of his best replies and a life lesson for each of us in a twitter chat thread.
SHEROES (S): Project Fuel is about converting life lessons into action. Any life lessons you want to share that’ll help our SHEROES get #MoreFromLife?
DEEPAK RAMOLA (DR) : "Your talent is not your gift, it is your responsibility' understanding this helps one get more and enough from life.”
This simply puts things into perspective for us. The sense of entitlement we acquire with the realisation that ‘we are talented’ ruins our prospects of growth. This line set the tone and was the perfect start to the chat. Not wasting your talent is how you can get #MoreFromLife.
Archish, one of the tweeple wrote that there’s another R that can be added to the Talent game--Respect!
I am adding one more R - give Respect to your talent.....along with being Responsible towards it.
— Archish (@archishman9) July 26, 2017
Life lessons learnt during a twitter chat! Never thought this could be such a conversation starter.
S: What are the most effective life lessons you have learnt from women in your quest?
DR: “Women have taught me how to be vulnerable in a powerful manner. My mother taught me- 'Embrace small beginnings' every win was celebrated.”
Sure. Every small win at my home was celebrated. Whether I helped someone cross the road or got great marks. My Mom cheered for everything
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
S: Any anecdotes you can share of women from different places with whom you have interacted and share their definition of success with us?
DR: “I have experienced that women define a lot of their success in correlation to their families/friends; basically outside of them.”
We think that too and that is why we keep encouraging the women on our platform to define success for themselves and not what is the norm. There’re are no set formulas for success, hence you can define it the way you want it to be.
Last year, A Syrian refugee girl who had to leave home a week after her marriage due to war became a successful entrepreneur in Europe
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
That shows the strength to rebuild life despite the hardships
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
S: What are the new-age life skills you recommend to help women bring their #BestAtWork
1. Self Love is the most critical 2. Owning their story 3. Considering their intuition to be a valid argument 4. Sharing their experiences
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
My school teacher taught me what changed the course of my career and life was to 'Own My Story' and I embraced all I could knowing that
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
Straight from the person who teaches life skills. We need to trust ourselves a little bit more, be kind on ourselves a little bit more, and yes a dash of empathy! Can he be more SHEROES :)
S: The SHEROES app is all about nurturing communities. Any instances, where you have seen communities developing life skills, together?
Kranti is an organisation I worked with. They help girls from red-light areas live in a dignified and resourceful manner. I love their work
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
Deepak advises us to be sensitive and get into the habit of listening more. Instead of chattering and complaining about how life has been so mean to me! A lot can be done just by lending a thoughtful ear.
Allow people to speak their hearts and giving advices is the easiest. Listening deeply is tough
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
Makes sense, right?
S: Returning women professionals grapple with confidence issues. Can you share with us few life lessons for confidence building?
DR: We all are patchwork and that is what makes us beautiful :)
2. No man is the world will ever match up to the scale and depth of the work a woman does, so women win by default - Sukriti Pant, 49
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
S: Any life lessons for working mothers you would like to share?
1. Stop feeling guilty about sitting at the 'me' table every once in a while ( from a woman who was made to feel bad about her work life)
— Deepak Ramola (@deepak1811) July 26, 2017
S: Where is the @Project_Fuel headed to next and how does Deepak plan to make it more diverse and rich?
DR : I am super excited to share that soon we are launching the Project FUEL store. That allows people access to more life lessons at a go!!
A life lessons store sounds dreamy and frankly we can’t wait for it to open. Imagine, if we are able to get what different people have to offer about their understanding of life and impleme nt it in our lives. It can be so empowering and at the same time a humbling experience.
We are simply bowled by Deepak Ramola’s acute understanding of life and how embracing he is of everything that it has to offer. It proves age has got nothing to do with maturity.
Guess what, he is among our panel of speakers at the Mia SHEROES Summit in Bangalore. Trust me you don’t want to miss out on his powerful life nuggets. Register for the event here:- Mia SHEROES Summit- Bangalore.
Not only that, working mommies we have got you covered. #BringYourBaby to the Mia SHEROES Summit, India’s largest and most trusted, KLAY pre school and day care will tend to you child while you can attend the summit guilt-free.
Moms, you can #BringYourBaby to the Mia SHEROES Summit with you. The awesome @KLAYSchools has them covered!
— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) July 26, 2017
See you this Saturday, Bangalore!
Kolkatans and Chennaiites, we haven’t forgotten you. You can register for the Summit in your city in the links provided below:
Mia SHEROES Summit KOLKATA (August 5, 2017)
Mia SHEROES Summit CHENNAI (August 19, 2017)