Britain To Exit EU, David Cameron To Exit 10 Downing St, An Inspired Arvind Kejriwal Wants A 'Referendum' Too

Last updated 19 Sep 2016 . 4 min read

It was a freaky Friday indeed. The biggest democratic divorce was declared, and the people in expensive suits will now work overtime to draw up the papers. Over 33 million citizens from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar have voted, and more than half of them want England to say goodbye to the European Union. ASAP.  

The projected implications are massive. For England, and the rest of the world. Things will unfold slowly, and the ‘exit’ itself will take time.

One person, however, did not really want to wait a minute longer than was necessary. Resigning from his post as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom, David Cameron has ensured his place in world history. Cameron had plans to work in collaboration with the Goliath that European Union seemed to Britons. However, democracy had other plans and in a close contest, Britain took its tea party out of EU.

While the puns have just begun on #Brexit, and a weekend of analysis unfolds, Cameron's decision has made waves across the EU, and rest of the world. He met the Queen of England, and then stepped out to make his resignation public. And also his ‘pain’, something that a stiff upper lip only magnifies: “I want to thank everyone who took part in the campaign on my side of the argument… ”

He was also quick to do his bit to assure that Britain’s economy was and will remain stable: “Across the world people have been watching the choice that Britain has made. I would reassure those markets and investors that Britain’s economy is fundamentally strong.”

So, what happens now?

The questions are in full flow already:

Will the English expats who live all across Europe now need to fill up multiple layers of visa and work permits, after the EU referendum?

What about a generation with mixed parentage who can only identify themselves as ‘European’? What about global corporates  with multiple business investments and outposts in EU & Britain?

“I fought this campaign the only way I know how—which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel—head, heart and soul,” said Cameron, “I was absolutely clear about my belief that Britain is stronger, safer and better off inside the European Union, and I made clear the referendum was about this and this alone—not the future of any single politician, including myself.” Too bad, the junta did not agree. Though many world leaders did. In the end, the vote won.

At home in India, #Brexit has found an instant admirer in Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, reports the news website Janta Ka Reporter. Yep, you read that right. The CM has tweeted his thoughts loud and clear:  “After UK referendum, Delhi will soon have a referendum on full statehood.”

Delhi, a city that saw the Tricolour fly and mark India’s independence in 1947 from the Union Jack replaced in 1947, the rise of and the exit of the British rule, is a Union Territory, and though we have an elected state government, and a Chief Minister, key governance matters are with the Union Government. Such as law and order.

However, Delhi is more than a regular state; it is the national capital, and hence, seat of the Union Government too. Brexit is not the same as Delhi seeking statehood and more independent powers. The layers are deep, and our politicians have miles to go and promises to keep.

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Karuna John
Woman. Pan Indian. Alive. Aware. Arisen. Learns one new thing every day. Fixes bigots. Journalist. Word Curator. Storyteller.

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