5 Social Media Hacks That Only Look Pricey
Priya, is a startup entrepreneur, strapped for cash, but, wants to make a mark in the new age digital world. The projected marketing cost distress her. She searches for the best ways to harness the power of Social Media...
Here are the top five cost effective ways to market your brand on Social Media:
1. Plan The Social Media Channels You Want to Focus On: With the sea of online channels now available, it is important to understand one's target audience. Work towards a strategy to capture the set target base on the mediums they are present on. Always remember that one strategy does not fit all!
2. Decide About Creatives and Content: The kind of content you use will project the reputation you form online. Share Case Studies, original data and interactive visuals. For high user engagement, include the trends!
3. Be An Informer: Remember, it is very important to grab the attention of influencers, attract them and engage with them. They are your biggest pillars to spread like fire online.
4. Give To Users A Value Proposition: Be clear, to the point, keep it interesting, and don’t forget to include call-to-action in your message
5. Track Performance: Social Media is highly dynamic, it changes rapidly and algorithms obsolete at the blink of an eye. Therefore, it becomes mandatory to regularly track performance and focus on what’s producing results.
To optimise your content for maximum results online use more and more images, share widely, tweet and retweet and comment.
To know more participate in Deep Dive In Digital / Social Media Workshop